We are committed to building an even more successful and advanced eBusiness ecosystem

Slovenian National eBusiness Centre is one of the key players in promoting the digitalisation of the Slovenian economy as it seeks to make eInvoicing the leading invoicing method. And we are well on our way. Slovenia has made a major step forward in recent years and is among the most advanced countries in Europe in terms of the eInvoicing.

Learn more about Slovenian National eBusiness Centre.

Download publication Digitalization of business from order to payment - Standardization of eInvoicing and eOrdering
Download publication eInvoicing in Slovenia

Slovenia is going digital

Slovenia has made a major step forward in recent years and is among the most advanced countries in Europe in terms of the eInvoicing. We have supported a modern and advanced approach in which a vast majority of eInvoices are exchanged through service providers. The major Slovenian ERP software solution providers have integrated eInvoicing into their software solutions, thus enabling their users to integrate, without additional investment, in a broader ecosystem, in which exchange between all participating partners in the network and between multiple networks is possible.

into ERP systems

and other software solutions

of eInvoices in public administration

issuers of eInvoices

and other business eDocuments